Villa Velikula

Price List


From 15 June to 30 June and from 20 August to 31 August 2025

Andrea / € 110/ night
Bublina / € 150/ night
In case of booking both apartments for one group of guests the price is € 240/ night.

Charles / € 150/ night
Dominika / € 110/ night
If both apartments are booked for one group of guests the price is € 240/ night.

Eliška / € 100/ night
František / €  80/ night
In case of booking both apartments for one group of guests the price is € 205/ night.

In case of the whole villa the price is € 620/ night

From 1 July to 20 August 2025

In this period we rent only the whole house to one group of guests

price 770 €/night

From 1 September to 15  September 2025

Andrea / € 90/ night
Bublina / € 110/ night
In case of booking both apartments for one group of guests the price is € 190/ night.

Charles / € 110/ night
Dominika / € 90/ night
If both apartments are booked for one group of guests the price is € 190/ night.

Eliška / € 90/ night
František / €  60/ night
In case of booking both apartments for one group of guests the price is € 140/ night.

In case of the whole villa the price is € 490/ night